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Is it dangerous to workout a lot?


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I've heard of many people who like to workout for long hours each day. Some people workout for as long as 4 hours or more. I can only handle an hour or so. Do you think it's dangerous to workout for long hours daily? What's the max limit you should be doing in a day?

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So long as you allow your body to have rest in between working out, you will be fine. Athletes (pros) will train daily for hours a day but they worked up to being able to do this. You need to start slow. Most people shouldn't workout more than 3 days a week to start. I would say for beginners to start at one hour per day, 3 days a week. Doing so every other day. 

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This all depends on the person. 

When you are brand new working out to much can lead to injury and burn out. As you continue down the lifestyle though you are going to run into diminishing returns as your body adapts to the new stress you are putting on it. Over time you can build to these longer workout days. 

Fitness is built over a lifetime so keep that in mind when determining how much you need each day. 

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Think of it like building up a skill. You want to start slow and easy. You don't want to set yourself up with something you will not be able to handle. Not only can this discourage you but it can set you up for failure (and injury). 

I would start by going to a chiropractor. Get your posture, spine, ect. checked out. See what he/she recommends you start with based on your current physical health. 

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The harder you work out and the more you work out, your chances of injury increase. I think it is fine to work out several hours a day but you need to work up to that point. If you are young, you could probably get away with an hour a day to start but give yourself at least 1 day off during the week to rest. 

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