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Do you think the United states will stay in debt for life?


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Do you guys think that the US will stay in debt forever? Or will the US ever be able to overcome the debt? The US debt is in the trillions now, and I don't think it's ever going to stop, or get smaller. What do you think about the debt the US has to deal with? Will we ever pay it off? Will it ever go away? Or will it be a problem, continuing to grow every year? 

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I do not think as a society we would be willing to eliminate some of our spending to dig us out of this hole. 

Now they say there is good debt and there is bad debt but debt is debt. You are making a bet on being able to pay it off in the future. 

If it's anything like taxes which how often do we see those go down? I can not see us getting this debt under control. 

I would love to see us as a nation get to cash flow positive instead of borrowing from future generations. All the debt is doing is devaluing the currency and kicking the problems a little further down the road. It really just seems like the American way (not saying I agree with this). 

I hope the national government can figure things out and learn to start spending more wisely but we have wasted a ton of money over the years bailing out this group and that group. Now we provide assistance around the entire world but look at all the problems we have here at home. 

The United States needs to reflect and learn to take care of itself first before it can take care of others. The same thing I try to teach people that seem to always want to give but are never in a stable situation themselves. A solid foundation is needed with anything before trying to expand on that foundation. The United States monetary policy feels like a house of cards. 

I expect at some point in my life time to see a huge catastrophic financial event. Hopefully it is not something I do have to see but at some point the house of cards will fall. 

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If you look at history, most economies collapse on themselves at some point and have to start over. I think the USA has had the longest running "stable" economy in history but it has been showing signs of breaking under the pressure in the last 20 years. I think there will be another severe crash within the next 10 years. I dread it but I feel it is coming. This is all down to consumerism and debt. 

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The market and the economy will crash hard eventually. I don't think it will get so bad that millions die from it but life will be hard for awhile. Things will have to be rebuilt, and we will need to start focusing on America again. We should be doing that now regardless of the crash coming or not. Bring jobs back to the US, rely on our own people and our own labor again. 

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Everything needs to crash to balance things out (and by everything I mean all countries) but I can't see this happening at the same time. I am not sure if or when the debt issues will be solved. Best to focus on staying out of debt yourself and teaching your kids about it so they are raised to not be victims of it themselves. 

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There's no possible way we could pay the debts off anyway. At least not to my knowledge. I believe the US will be in debt forever. They will be paying things off forever pretty much. And I doubt the countries are hard pressed to push on them for it. They probably just like the easy dealings they have for sending products too and from each other. But still, when they need it, they will probably come to the US for money and we'll probably pay it. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I looked into it a bit more since posting in the thread and it is way worse than I thought. We are not only looking at retirement funds and the like going away in the future but possible even social programs like welfare. Then what? It will be chaos. 

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20 hours ago, Mila said:

I looked into it a bit more since posting in the thread and it is way worse than I thought. We are not only looking at retirement funds and the like going away in the future but possible even social programs like welfare. Then what? It will be chaos. 

If the safety nets go away people are going to need to learn how to be accountable for their actions really quick. 

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