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Can losing weight help with knee pain?


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My uncle has gained a lot of weight due to stress and everything that happened last year. He needs to lose a good 120 pounds to be considered average weight for his height. He noticed his knees have been getting worse. He does have arthritis in them and was told 10 years ago he would need knee replacement surgery. Even though the damage is there, would losing weight help ease the pain and slow the process at the very least? I am trying to help him out. I know he is in a lot of pain. 

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Losing weight would make it so much easier on him. I used to be 300lbs now hang out in the 170s. Running and cycling were a lot harder when I was 240lbs+ then it is today. A lot less strain on my joints. 

I would try to get the uncle out walking on a daily basis for at least 30 minutes a day. That would likely make a huge change. 

Movement makes a big difference. Our bodies are built to move. Like when you get sick and you just lay in bed all day you may notice you get sore and tight. You have to move! 

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Absolutely! I have a friend who was almost 300 pounds. She was 22 at the time when she started getting severe knee pain. This made it hard to do just about every kind of exercise there is. When she decided to adopt a stray dog, she made a commitment to walk him every day and since she still lived with her parents, that was the only way they would allow her to bring him home. She did just that and ended up losing over 100 pounds in just 8 months of walking him every day. She has since lost more weight other ways and she never has knee pain anymore. 

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I would imagine so. I remember reading that every pound of extra weight is like 10 pounds on your knees because they support most of the weight of your body. So losing even just 20 pounds, he will notice a big difference. My mother's friend lost 10 recently and she said she is moving around a lot easier and has much less knee pain even though she is still overweight. 

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