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Staying Positive (In a negative world)


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I have a lot of negative people in my life. They worry, they let fear guide them, and I know it effects me. I get sucked into those doubts and fears myself. I don't like living this way though. I want to be positive, happy, and healthy about all approaches and things in my life. How do you stay positive when everyone around you is so negative? 

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If you have issues staying positive because of the people in your life, I would say you need to either spend less time with them, get into a better head space where they can't hinder your emotions or bother your day, or you have to cut them from your life entirely. 

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The world has a lot of bad in it but it also has good and that light from the good casts shadows. We need to remain hopeful and positive. If this means we need to take breaks from people or meet new people who uplift us and keep us in that head space, then it needs to happen.

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I think we all know at least one person who looks at life with the glass half empty outlook. It can be hard to stay positive around people like this. I am sensitive to it myself and people can easily pull me down into the muck of things if I am not careful. I don't really have any tips for something like this. I am still trying to figure it out myself.

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