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Billboards do anything?


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I know they are still a thing. I actually like to take pictures of them when I am out of state cause some of them are rather funny. Do you think they are worth using for an online business? Can they do anything to increase traffic or sales in our modern age? 

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Sure, it could be hugely beneficial to advertise through billboards. I have thought of doing it myself, but I feel like online ads would be enough for me. I think when promoting through Billboards, you mainly want a physical address, so that people can go there. I figure most people out traveling, won't remember to go to an online store/place from a billboard. But that's just a guess on my end.  

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I can't say I ever bought space on one but a family friend has done this for his small business and it seemed to help. Like Damon said, it likely wouldn't do much but online businesses but I guess it really depends on the area. I have seen podcasts advertised on them. 

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We ran a billboard campaign for an online store in the Phoenix valley a few years ago. 

I will say it was really cool driving around and seeing our companies billboards around town. They did not really drive any extra sales. Now I have seen companies that have done billboards for years and they would not keep investing if they were not getting return on ad spend. 

I came to the conclusion that a billboard likely is not the best way to market a website especially if the URL is over 10 characters long and not dictionary words. 

I think they are good for local services where you can advertise a phone number and cross streets. People are driving by so fast and you need to get them the information they are going to need to take action quickly. They will likely drive by multiple times so a good easy to remember phone number can get drilled into a persons mind over time. I think my daughter and wife both have the phone number memorized for the local car accident attorney because of billboard and radio commercials combined. 

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It can be expensive but if you have a good sign, it can get you a lot of attention. I think there is still value in them for the right message and company. It can work for both online and offline businesses as well. A local company did this a few years ago. They did cryptic messages on several boards in the area and people really got involved with solving the puzzle. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think they work great if you are trying to get attention offline. I would argue that humor ones work the best. Especially if you get people involved. Have them sharing them on social media. Use internet humor and memes to grab attention and the internet will do the rest.

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