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Do you stick to healthier eating or a diet during the holiday season?


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With Thanksgiving fast approaching and following soon after, Christmas... Do you do anything in particular in terms of your diet or do you just allow yourself to enjoy your meals? I have never been one to diet on or around holidays. I like to let myself go twice a year and that is on Christmas and Thanksgiving. So for me, I don't do anything but stuff my face lol

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I eat so many calories during this season it is unreal! 

I do adjust my exercise though to help even it out. I drop intensity and I increase duration during the months of November - December. So it turns into how many miles I can put into my legs. 

So I let myself eat all the food I want. I love sweets and there are always cookies, pies, cakes, peppermint bark, so much different stuff. Yes I will gain weight but heck you only live once right?

Just do not slack off on the exercise which is something that typically happens to people during this time of year since they are so busy shopping, traveling, and being social. Keep exercise a high priority and you should not set yourself back to far. 

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I have never been one to limit myself this time of the year. I am not overweight nor eat a lot on a regular basis so I use it as an excuse to stuff my face. I eat so much I regret it which keeps me from being in a pattern of overeating. My weight will go from 125lbs to 135lbs between Thanksgiving and Christmas but by the end of January I am usually back down to 125. 

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I typically eat the same amounts be it on a holiday or not. I eat until I am almost full and stop. There have been times when I did overeat but I feel ill for a day or two after so I don't like to do that. I will take standard portions and eat only a small bit of turkey and ham. 

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I ate a lot of food! I was going to go in and take it easy but I was so hungry by the time food was ready, I ended up loading my plate up so much that I struggled to carry it with one hand. I probably should have eaten breakfast or a small lunch prior to this so I didn't eat so much but I figured I may as well get me fill. I only eat this kind of meal once a year!

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