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Has COVID Increased or decreased your quality of life?


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For me, not much has changed. Outside of needing to pay more for groceries and a bit more for gas, nothing has changed. I am hoping the prices go back down though. I know some areas are having more issues than others with mandates and forced vaccination. I am thankful not to live in one of those areas. 

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Not much changed for me. I am self employed and work from home so life remained pretty much the same. 

I am starting to have trouble now living my normal life. 

For instance we typically go to Vegas for my wife's birthday. I have gone a couple times already this year but I am tired of losing my money while being uncomfortable in a mask. It seems the mask mandates are still on out in Las Vegas so we likely will not go. Asked my wife to think of a different birthday activity. 

Also my refusal to get the vaccine is adding road blocks and challenges to seeing my family up in Canada. It is also adding tension with those family members in Canada. 

So I am now starting to feel the impact. They are not going to sway my opinion on the choices I have been making and I am fine being a minority. Will continue to vote with my wallet and hope things go back to normal sooner rather than later. 

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Travel has become something I can't take part in for awhile seeing as I can't get vaccinated yet. I am also very limited to where I can work so finding a new job right now isn't easy either. Most of my bills have gone up at least 5% which has sucked seeing as I just got a raise and it canceled all of that out.

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I haven't been able to travel, see most of my family, work and so much more. I want to travel again, but I fear there will be some kind of quarantine wherever you go that you have to sit through. That takes up your vacation time, so I figure wait until everything is cleared and we're good to travel proper. 

But yeah, my self employed side is fine and dandy. That's the beauty in doing some work online. I just devoted more time to it. 

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I feel in some ways it has done a lot. It has kept me indoors way too much. I am thankful to finally be able to get out more often. I was cooped up way too long! Being stuck in your house most of the year, sucks. Plus, being high risk like me, means I couldn't really go anywhere. 

I'm vaccinated so I've been going out. But I still am taking precautions and am not rushing into face to face meetings like that. 

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