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Have you ever lost a friendship because of a stupid reason?


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We all change over time, and sometimes we lose and gain new friends. But, have you ever lost a friendship because of a stupid reason? Maybe it was an argument about something stupid, or anything stupid. 

For me, I had a friend in elementary school who I talked to a lot. But the one time I invite him over to my house, I don't really play with him much. And in turn, it hurt our friendship, because I remember after he came over and went home, we never hung out again and I don't even know if we talked much in school after that. What about you?

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I had a friend in middle school who blew me off and lied about it. I knew she lied and she knew I knew. We kind of just stopped talking. Ended up finding her years later on Facebook. We started talking again and were playing a game on Xbox. My ex's friend who was in the chat said something stupid directly at another player and she thought it was to her, she left the party and blocked me. I don't know why and I was never able to get in touch with her again.

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Oh a couple of them sadly. I was kind of a bad apple growing up. Got into a lot of trouble, and when I did have friends, I would always find a way to make them hate me. Not because I did it on purpose or anything, I just always did something each of them hated. I figured out that my behaviour in the past was the reason I lost touch with friends. And this is why I have changed my habits and choices and have even recovered old friendships by apologizing for the way I acted. 

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I've had my share of friends come and go. The stupidest reason a friend of mine stopped hanging out with me, was because I said my dad could beat up his. He got so mad and just never came over again. His dad was alive, so it wasn't like it was offensive. Just my dad is stronger kinda thing. 

I didn't understand the fuss he was making at the time, and I still don't. But I guess he was super serious when it came to his father and didn't allow anyone to talk bad about him. That's my guess. 

But yeah, all because of that, he stopped hanging out with me. We were just kids, but it was still quite confusing to me as a kid. 

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I had a friend who would often just stop texting and calling out of nowhere. I used to take it personally until I realized she did it to everyone. She started getting into the habit of down-talking another friend I had who happened to be her sister. The last time I spoke to her I told her if she keeps this up and keeps pushing people away she is going to end up alone. She completely ignored the text. She never texted or called me back. She even stopped talking to her own sister. 

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I mean, yes and no. The friends I have lost are almost always down to us just drifting apart in life. One started having kids at a younger age so didn't have enough free time. Another went back to school and was working full time, again not having time for much else. 

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I had a friend cut me from her life for her boyfriend. Apparently he had a crush on me and instead of handling it like adults, she just stopped talking to me. I found out months after the fact. I was a bit hurt by it but nothing I could have done to change her mind. She ended up only dating him for 2 years. I hope it was worth throwing away our 7 year long friendship! 

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