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What are some conspiracies that you have heard of that you either believe in, have interests in (fascinated by it but not believing it), or think are just batspit crazy!?

One of the recent ones I heard, I will admit I think it is possible but highly unlikely. It is one floating around with the vaccines and everything that has been happening since the end of 2019. People are saying this vaccine is meant to function as population control. They want people who will take orders, comply, and be obedient under the thumb and to get rid of everyone else. So these vaccines they are using will be protecting people who are obedient from a future "variant" that will be killing people who didn't get vaccinated. It sounds like some sort of horror or thriller movie! There are other details about it that I am forgetting but I thought it was a wild thing and I could understand why people believe stuff like this in a way. There are a lot of evil people in this world.

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That is a pretty crazy theory and I would have never thought to spin it in a way that protected the vaccinated but that does make a lot of sense. 

I really like the study of UFOs and where these crazy air / sea craft are coming from. Why are they here and why have they not just destroyed us yet since their technology seems to be so strong. With some of the more recent declassifications of data from the government we are learning UFOs have been known by the government for quite awhile. You would think it would be a concern but anytime people talk about life from other planets I guess people start thinking about how crazy that sounds. 

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I don't believe a lot of conspiracy theories, but I do believe there is alien life out there somewhere. I mean to think that we're the only planet with living beings is crazy. I imagine other planets may have human like people just like us. Who knows if they are the same or not, but I imagine humans are all over the universe. I don't think aliens look like literal aliens, I think they will end up looking just like us, but maybe with some differences. 

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They need to hire people who dive deep into this stuff to make movies! I would legit watch some of it. 

The only conspiracy I have ever looked really deep into was the bloodlines one. I can't remember what it is called but they say basically 8 bloodlines rule the entire world through inherited wealth and power. It is really interesting stuff. 

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I think there is some truth in every conspiracy. It is just a matter of how much truth. Some have very little while others have immense proof and should not longer be considered a conspiracy theory IMO. This is not a topic I get into much but when I am in the mood to go digging, I have found some wild things out there people believe in. I don't judge people fore believing in crazy stuff. As long as they aren't hurting anyone, live and let live.

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I actually enjoy the lizard people one. I don't believe it but I love hearing about the stories and why people believe that reptile people live among  us. They say they are aliens. It is some weird but entertaining stuff! I only know about it because a friend of mine told me. I watched some videos on the topic on YouTube. 

There is another one but I can't remember the name of it. It is where people believe that time is reset every Thursday or something like that. I will have to try and find what it is called so I can better explain it.

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