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Should I be taking fish oil?


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No harm in it! It is one of the healthiest supplements you could take. Just make sure it is sourced from healthy fish and nothing that is loaded with mercury. I prefer to use liquid drops when I take it. There are some with little to no fish odor or taste these days so I just add it to food. 

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16 hours ago, Justin89 said:

I've been debating if I should start to take omega 3 fish oils and was wondering if it would be a good idea? My parents take fish oils, but I haven't really taken them that much. Does it matter what age you get them? 

You should go ahead and take fish oil. You will lose nothing. In fact, your brain activity will be enhanced because of its high concentration of Omega3

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Yeah! Sure, Omega3 is good for your skin, your brain and your overall health. You will be able to think better and your reaction time will be a tad faster than usual. Although i would say, if its possible, you should eat the real fish instead, because that one will come with additional nutritional value to your body.

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I say go for it. Fish oils are known to be healthy and safe to take, and if you don't eat a lot of fish, it's probably a good reason there to take fish oils. My younger brother is fussy and doesn't eat fish, like ever, so he will often take some omega 3 supplements and call it a day. Probably not the best source, but it's something I suppose. 

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