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Learning To Ignore People!


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Anyone struggle with this? I have a hard time ignoring people when they say words to me that get under my skin. I can feel my heart race, I get shaky, I feel anger building up in me but I seldom do anything with these emotions. I silence myself and I feel like I end up hurting myself by doing this. I need to learn to ignore things that don't matter in terms of the poop that comes flying from people's mouths. How do I do this? 

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I think we all have that one person we can't ignore and they seem to know just what to say to get under our skin. I get the feelings, really! It sucks but the easiest way to not care is to, well... Not care! You have to get to a point where this person's words have no impact over your happiness. It takes time and discipline but you can get to that point! 

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Having 4 kids I think I have gotten alright at ignoring things I do not want to hear. Or my wife tells me I have very selective listening at times :P. 

There are still topics though that I can just listen to and not even be part of the conversation that will make my blood boil. I try so hard to turn those conversations off and know my opinion would not help anything nor does it need to be shared as I am not even part of the conversation. 

I think it is just something like anything else we have to train ourselves to do it and with time and practice it becomes easier. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

You will never be able to please everyone and there will always be someone in your life with something negative to say about you or the world around you. You have to get to a point where you can allow yourself to be happy even when other people are not. If you just reflect the world, you will always struggle with this.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/24/2021 at 4:14 AM, Sophia said:

Anyone struggle with this? I have a hard time ignoring people when they say words to me that get under my skin. I can feel my heart race, I get shaky, I feel anger building up in me but I seldom do anything with these emotions. I silence myself and I feel like I end up hurting myself by doing this. I need to learn to ignore things that don't matter in terms of the poop that comes flying from people's mouths. How do I do this? 

I understand how you feel. That was exactly how i felt sometime back. But i had to learn how to differentiate the things that are in my control and those that are totally out of my control. How people think and feel about me is out of my control. So no matter how mad i get to them, it will not change their perception of me. So, i would suggest staying away from these kind of people and ensure you have something to engage your mind so much that you will not think about them or even ignore looking or listening to what they say.

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Thanks for all your relies! I actually think everyone said roughly the same thing but it is useful information!


On 8/16/2021 at 4:27 PM, Jeremy_CLK said:

So, i would suggest staying away from these kind of people and ensure you have something to engage your mind so much that you will not think about them or even

You are probably right. Some people can't be avoided though, because of family and all that. 

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