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Denzel Washington's 3 Keys to Success

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In another inspiring video from Motivation District, listeners hear from Denzel Washington. Throughout the video, Washington provides his listeners with keys to success and living a fulfilled life. During his speech, Washington uses anecdotes and life lessons to communicate these ideas. The video starts with Washington’s anecdote about nearly failing out of college with a 1.7 grade point average. During this time, he met a woman in his mother’s beauty parlor who told him he would, “travel and speak to audiences of people.” At the time, this was hard to believe, and Washington more or less acknowledged the comments, but did not consider them to be true. Later, he realizes that this woman was right and has found himself speaking in front of many college graduating classes. 

Washington shares three main tools to use to not only become successful but to live a fulfilled life. They are: maintain a relationship with God, dream and fail big, and understanding that life is not about what you have. Washington’s relationship his God is commendable and through Him, Washing has been “protected, directed, and corrected.” His religion serves as a source of strength for him. Next, Washington discusses the concept of failing and dreaming big. While we all have heard it before, “do not be afraid to fail,” are words worth repeating. Life is too short to not do what you feel passionate about and be surrounded with people who uplift you. On this concept. Washington notes that dreams without goals are just dreams and can ultimately lead to disappointment. It is important to have yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily goals to make our dreams a reality. It is through proper planning and consistency will we find success. Finally, Washington says, “you never see a Uhaul behind a hearse,” meaning life is not about what you have. Life is about helping others and making the world a better place with what you do possess. 

With easy to read captions and compelling images, Motivation District’s video is easily accessible and inspires its listeners to live more fully. This video can be accessed here: 


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One of my favorite quotes by Denzel Washington was something that applies to today and that is that if you don't read the newspaper, you are uninformed but if you do, you are misinformed. He is a very bright guy and one of few in Hollywood that I believe thinks for himself. 

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He is a bright, gifted man. My grandma always had the hots for him and it would make my grandpa mad LOL!

I am going to give this a listen before I head off to bed, I love motivational videos like these. I completely overlooked this section on the forum!

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