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How much "alone time" is necessary?


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I always see this in movies, TV shows, and hear about it online. People say they need their space or their "alone time". When in a committed relationship, how much alone time is necessary? And could there be too much of it that could strain a relationship? 

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I know I need a little alone time every day. I am guaranteed to get it while I am working out since none of the family wants to join me on a run or bike ride. I also stay up about 2 hours later then my wife and kids so I take some time then. 

My wife is the early riser and she gets up before the kids and myself she refers to that as her alone time. 

Alone time is fine I think it would begin to strain a relationship if it was inconveniencing the other party. Likely why my wife and I carved out time for ourselves while the other person is sleeping. 

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That depends on the relationship and the people in it. For me, I think we all need a little alone time. Being around each other for too long, can but a strain on things too. 

I honestly love being alone sometimes. Especially during the night hours. I like to relax, read a book, watch a movie, play a game, or just find something new and fun to do to pass the time. I'm a night owl anyway, so I'm up late. My girlfriend goes to bed earlier, so she kind of has her alone times in the morning hours and I have it at night. Works out for the both of us I think. 🙂

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Most people who are in stable relationships will have alone time without even trying for it. It just comes naturally according to their work schedules and sleep schedules. I know for me, my alone time can be spent with my partner in the same room. We are just doing different things. We are close but don't feel the pressure to interact. We just do our own things and it works. 

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I think there is a balance. Not all alone time means separation and not all separation is "alone time". If you feel the need to have more space between you and your partner, I would guess there is an underlying issue happening that should be sorted out. 

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