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Family member addicted to Facebook?


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I have someone in my family who is severely addicted to Facebook. It has gotten to the point where people in our family would go weeks without hearing from him. He wouldn't answer his phone or respond to texts. Come to find he had been active daily on Facebook. He has been suspended on there several times for political reasons and each time he gets upset and declares he is done with the website but he always goes back. How do you talk to someone about an addiction to a website like this?

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We all have one of these, I am sure. I can think of 3 people in my family alone who are addicts. 

I am not sure how you can go about helping them. They see nothing wrong with what they are doing and are more likely to be defensive of their issues with the site.

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I don't know how you can approach this. I have tried with a friend of mine who is addicted to Twitter. She got really upset and didn't talk to me for a few weeks over it. Then we randomly started talking again and she didn't bring it up, so I didn't either. Some people don't want to face reality. 

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There is no helping people who enjoy those platforms. Even if they complain and they make their lives worse, they can choose to leave if they really wanted to. I don't concern myself over it anymore. So long as family is not posting pictures of me on there, I am not going to fuss over any of it.

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