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Do you say Merry Christmas or happy holidays?


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I know some people hate when people say Merry Christmas, because they may celebrate another holiday or religion. I tend to say Happy Holidays with most people, because you never know when one of them will snap at you. Happy Holidays is more inclusive as well. 

What do you guys think though? 

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I say both. Just depends on how I am feeling that day. I prefer Merry Christmas since it is not the correct thing to say anymore. If someone is offended by me wishing them a merry Christmas so be it. Happy holidays is fine too. I use both though every single day during this time of year. 

I do enjoy to do things that annoy the people that go around saying "you are not supposed to say that anymore"... 

I will say whatever I want whenever I want thank you :P. 

Same way I continue to have Easter sales, Columbus day sales, and so forth. It is fun doing 14.92% off things on Columbus day. 

It would be nice if we could go back to the way that I was raised. 

Anyone remember: "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me"?

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I say Merry Christmas. The people I socialize with all celebrate it as such. No one is apposed to it. When it comes to strangers in stores, I will say have a great holiday season or something along those lines. I don't know where they stand with it so I don't like to push something on them. 

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I use both but mostly say Merry Christmas. I don't know many people around here who use Happy Holidays. We even have a Muslim couple who live a few houses over from my parent's house and they always say Merry Christmas. I think it has become a passive family holiday and the aspects of religion with it bled. 

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I will be honest, I really don't say it. I don't know why but it was never something I said. If someone says it to me, I just say "same to you". It isn't like I am apposed to it or anything. I believe a lot of the Bible even. I don't know, it just isn't something I do and I really didn't notice it until now lol

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am like Stacey, I don't say either unless it is said to me. If someone says "Happy Holidays" I will say that back. If someone says "Merry Christmas" I will say that back. Outside of my parents and my husband's parents (I say Marry Christmas to them) it isn't something I go around saying. 

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