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Why are so many people mad about Rittenhouse?


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He was found not guilty on all counts. I watched the footage. It was clear self-defense. The two men who ended up dying were very terrible people (one beat women and the other r*ped children) so when I see people calling them heroes, it turns my stomach. I can't understand being against this kid. What he did was not exactly smart but he was old enough to decide that for himself and he genuinely went there to help people. 

I can't figure out why so many people are mad over this. This trial just solidified our rights to own guns and protect ourselves and as a woman, I am all for this. 

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I would guess that this is down to the narrative the media has painted. A lot of people still believe lies that weren't true and are comparing this trial to ones of black 17/18 year olds who got the book thrown at them. These are all unfair comparisons though as Kyle did not have a criminal record nor was he acting in a criminal fashion, it was simple self defense. I think the media wants to make it a black and white issue so they can have BLM and Antifa attack cities again. Probably for a distraction of sorts. Who knows. I am just happy for him and his family that the justice system held up. I was worried he would be found guilty and thrown in prison because of protesters and people threatening lives and burning cities online. 

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I do not understand why people would be mad about the outcome of this trial. I think what @Ella stated about the full narrative around it people choose to believe those lies that they heard. Watching our leaders speak ill against the verdict of the jury was shocking. Our judicial system is as fair as a system can be. 

If people are not happy about what happened and want some of it to be against the law there is a process to make laws that can be followed. 

Thank goodness we are still able to defend ourselves when we are under attack. 

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He was tried in a court of law and won. I understand that the outcome wasn't what everyone wanted, but I feel like justice was served. I believe it was self defense. No matter which way you put it, you have a right to stand your ground, and if someone is chasing after you with a potential weapon, then you have the right to defend yourself. One of the people shot by him, admitted they pointed a gun at him as well. 

And the narrative about all of it was crazy. The fact tried to make him out to be a murderer, and he was in the wrong, or how he took a gun over state lines, when people forget he worked there or his father did and he was just protecting a local establishment. 

I heard people say he mentioned wanting to shoot someone, but even so, it's self defense no matter what you say. If he didn't have that gun, who's to say if he would be alive today. That person with the skateboard could have killed him with it. The other guy with the gun could have shot him too. So is he to just let them all swarm him, take his gun, and possibly use it on him?

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There was a man in Florida who won the same day, found not guilty on 5 counts. He shot and killed a cop. He was also a black man with a criminal record. If you real the story, you will understand that the cops were breaking the law and his right to self defense out-ruled the loss of the cop's life. His girlfriend was also shot and killed by one of the cops. So I don't care what skin color a person has, if it is clear self-defense, you should not be charged. I think the court did the right thing for both of them. 

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