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Political issues?


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I have no issue being friends with people who do not share my views. I can separate them from that. Same goes with religion. It seems like a lot of people these days, especially younger people just can't do that. I have lost 2 friends now simply because I could not agree on political issues with them. One even told me she hated me. How do you work around these issues?

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This is a hard issue to work around. We can not control how other people behave and they can all make their own choices. 

I also do not care about someone else's political views, covid views, religious views, or any other kind of views. I am always down for open dialog on any topic. 

It is starting to seem less and less that conversation can take place around all kinds of topics. Open dialog is what drives society forward. If we all thought the same way we would get into trouble very quickly. 

Just be yourself. If someone does not like who that is well that is there problem. If they choose not to like you over an opinion you have then that is their problem not yours. People like that are likely people that over time would not good to associate with anyways. 

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The best approach I find is just to be yourself and whoever doesn't like you, it is their loss. A lot of people these days will be straight up evil toward people who don't agree with them. That kind of negativity is not healthy and you don't want to be around it anyways. I see nothing wrong with having friends from different backgrounds but you have to have the same foundation of beliefs in that you both want good to come from something. 

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I don't get on the topic with certain people because I know we will butt heads. When the conversation is approached together and we can have open dialog without making it personal, I am all for it but a lot of people just can't do that anymore. 

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