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How To Overcome Sexual Repression


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Do you feel embarrassed when you think about sex? If so, chances are you are sexually repressed. 

However, keep in mind that there is nothing to be ashamed of if you are suffering from sexual repression as it is pretty normal. In fact, many people deal with this issue. 

But, before learning how to overcome sexual repression, understand that it is not your fault that you are like this. Maybe you have had bad sexual experiences in the past, or maybe you have been brought up in a conservative family, leading to negative beliefs about sex. 

Irrespective of the cause, it's understandable that you would want to break free from this thought process. Low libido, aggressive attitude towards, trouble identifying your sexual orientation, and depression, there are many things that sexual repression can incite, making your life a living hell. 

That is why you should start taking immediate steps to overcome it. Here's my advice on how to overcome sexual repression: 

#1 Think positively about sex: you need to start thinking positively about sex, and the only way you can do that is by reading books or essays about sexual expression. Start acquainting yourself with sexual expression in art and literature; trust me, it helps a great deal. 

#2 Accept sexual thoughts as they come: it is about time you stopped feeling icky whenever sexual thoughts cross your mind. One of the ways you can do this is by practicing mindfulness. 

It makes you comfortable with sexual thoughts by enhancing the consciousness of the mind and teaching you to accept them without any sort of judgment. So, whenever you get any sexual thoughts, remind yourself that it's only biology, and let it pass. 

#3 Getting comfortable in your skin: one of the main reasons you might be suffering from sexual repression is that you may have body image issues. So, instead of being loving and sexual, you tend to wear baggy clothes to hide the extra fat and avoid nakedness. 

Since it is only making things worse, you might as well start accepting your body as it is. And one of the most effective ways you can do that is by sleeping naked.

#4 Have a conversation with your partner: it helps to have a partner who understands your take on sexual activities. Therefore, open up and talk to your better half about what you are going through. This might open doors to mindful sex, thereby helping overcome sexual repression. 

Sex can be a hard topic to talk about. Have you ever had to overcome sexual repression? What steps did you take to get through it? 

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I think #3 is an issue for a lot of women. We are constantly shown filtered bodies, photo-shopped images, and women with "the perfect body" when in reality, we are all a bit giggly and don't have the perfect proportions. What is important is that you find someone you are comfortable with. 

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I wouldn't say I'm embarrassed. I just don't like talking about it with others. My girlfriend and I only talk about our sex lives. Therapy would be the only other option if anything, because I don't think I'd be comfortable talking about it with family, especially my parents. I could talk to my brother and some closer family, but even that is not very fun. Who wants to talk about ones sex life with anyone aside from the person you're dating? 

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