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Why do you think some people gain and lose weight at different rates?


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I know there is proof of the calories in and calories out method of weight loss but even if you take a group of 10 people and put them on the exact same calories and activity/exercise, some will lose fat faster than others. This is the same for gaining weight (muscle or fat) as well. Why do you think this is?

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Everyone is different. Even if they do the same exact things the same exact way, it doesn't change their dna. Some people lose weight faster, some have medical issues that stop them from losing weight. As well, everyone is chemically wired differently, so they may react differently to certain foods. You have to consider health conditions, past history of diets, their metabolism, and so much more. One person could be skinny their whole life and never have to eat, and can eat a ton and never gain weight. While some will fight their whole life trying to lose a few pounds. 

Everyone is different. That's why some will have different results, while others will show success. 

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We are all different and that is what makes us all so great. 

That is why it is important to focus on you and not compare yourself to others. Our bodies are going to react to different kinds of stress in different kinds of ways. 

Stay consistent with it and I am sure over a longer period of time those people taking in the same amount of calories doing the same amount of work will likely end up in about the same place. Some people will progress faster than others and other people will plateau before others.  

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Yup, the simple answer is that our bodies are all different. I knew a woman who had a condition that caused her weight gain, and working out and dieting didn't always work. Some people are also born with thyroid issues that cause weight gain and make it hard to lose it.

I wish we were all the same and could easily lose weight and stop weight gain like some, but it's not always possible. 

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Men gain muscle easier and faster than women do. They tend to lose weight faster and easier than women as well. This is down to genetics. Women's bodies are designed to hold onto fat (for pregnancy) where a man's body is designed to use it for energy. Outside of this, both men and women have different bone structure, heights, and hormones which all effects weight gain and loss. 

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