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Why do some people act differently online?


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I never understood this. I act the same online as I do in real life but it seems like a lot of people don't do this. Many seem to be more outgoing online and more willing to take risks with what they say while others will take everything personally like people online at attacking them no matter what they say or do. It seems like online communication is still very new to people or something. 

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Likely because they can and can get away with it. It is easier to pretend to be more attractive, more successful, more confident, ect. online especially when you are only typing and posting edited pictures. I have seen some of my friends present themselves on Facebook as if their lives are perfect but if you knew them in real life, you'd know they live a mess of struggles, debts, and failed relationships. 

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Online people do not know who you really are. So you can be whoever you want to be. 

Sometimes people will project the life they wish they had. Sometimes people would say things they would never say if they were talking to people face to face. 

I know I am much more confident in my communication via email then if we sat down and had a meeting with each other. I dread confrontation so it is hard for me face to face but via email it is so much easier to have those hard conversations. This is something I have been working on over the years as I learned people did not appreciate having the hard conversations via electronic communication mediums and would rather it be done face to face. 

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It's because of the anonymity that the internet provides. You can go online and pretend to be someone else, someone you want to be. The internet allows for people to be as hateful as they want to be if they so desire. The internet makes it so easy to be awful, and I honestly hate it. 

Some sites have changed to where you have to use your real name and so on. But that doesn't always help. 

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I think most reasons were touched on already. I just wanted to add that I know someone, a family member, who has done this sort of thing. Making herself appear more put together and intelligent online. She makes it seem like she lives this glamorous lifestyle and everyone loves her but most people who have gotten to know her, hate her and her "glamorous life" she tries to portray is covering up her alcohol addiction and the fact that she spent most of her 20s stripping for money. 

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