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An open relationship, would you ever do it?


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The idea of an open relationship is something I would never go for. My last boyfriend asked about having an open relationship. But I don't know if it's really right for me. I just know I'm going to hate it, or be severely jealous. 

Anyway, would you ever have an open relationship? If so, why? And if not, why? 

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I would not be able to do such a thing. I would not be able to have my wife hanging out with other guys. That would mentally destroy me. The impact on the children cant be to great with Mom and Dad always hanging out with different people. This would not be in the solution deck for me. If my wife or I was unhappy with each other I would hope we would try to address the root of the problem and if that did not work it is likely time for a change but that change would be divorce and then on with life. 

Call me old school but I believe if you commit to someone you are committed to them. Just like committing to anything in life. 

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I won't lie here, I am very territorial with other women. I think this has to do with having friends that stabbed me in the back and my mother lying to me growing up. I just don't trust them. So sharing a guy with someone else is not something I would ever do. 

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On 5/28/2021 at 8:38 PM, Stacey said:

I won't lie here, I am very territorial with other women. I think this has to do with having friends that stabbed me in the back and my mother lying to me growing up. I just don't trust them. So sharing a guy with someone else is not something I would ever do. 

I am the same way honestly. I don't think this is uncommon with women. A lot of women who are more passive and can handle open relationships or shared relationships often were raised differently. 

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