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Changing your looks for your partner?


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I know someone who gained weight because her boyfriend wanted her to be bigger. She gained a good 50 pounds for him and he loved it but her confidence went down the drain. She stopped wanting to go out and just felt awful in everything she wore. He eventually got sick of her reluctance and broke up with her. Now she is struggling to lose the weight. 

Have you ever done something like this? Gain weight, lose weight, cut your hair, dye your hair, grow a beard, shave a bear, ect. anything dealing with your looks. 

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I would not do this. As I have shrunk over the years my wife makes comments about me getting to bony or small and I am not going to stop what I am doing. It is all part of the transformation that I am trying to turn myself into something better. 

It is extremely important to be able to be yourself regardless of the situation. Yes I understand in relationships comprise has to be made. Things like the way I look are up to me. I would hope we are not together because of looks and there is a deeper emotional connection. 

Stay true to who you are.

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I'm sorry your friend went through that @StaceyNo one should change who they are to be with someone. That's messed up. I understand maybe losing some weight to be healthy, but to ask someone to gain weight and then break up with them because they aren't comfortable in their skin, is a harsh thing to do. 

I hope your friend is able to lose the weight and feel happy about herself again. 

As for myself, I wouldn't gain or lose weight for anyone. I would have to do it for myself really. No one should be pushing you to look a certain way, or to change even. 

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I feel the same as mentioned already. I wouldn't do it. If you want me to be happy, I have to feel good about my body, my hair, etc. I am all for trying new things but I am not going to change to be someone else in appearance to please anyone. 

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