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Can you claim land out in the wild?


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This may be a dumb question, but could you go out into the wilderness and claim a piece of land and actually live there? Or would you need to buy the land somehow? I'm just curious, because I've always wondered about how some people lived out in the woods. Do they own the land? Can you claim land if it's now owned by anyone? 

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Yeah I don't think it's easy to live out in the boonies. You could, but eventually some government stooge will find out and you'll be forced off that land. I don't think any state/government owns the lands, they just protect it. A lot of land out there is also protected land, so you can't just go in and build atop it. 

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Yeah I don't think that sort of thing would work these days. I think it'd be cool to be able to claim any bit of land, but if that were to be possible, I bet we'd have tons claiming lands they have no right to. 

I agree with Stacey, maybe native Americans can pick and choose their land, but I doubt even that these days. 

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