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Can wearing the wrong clothing cause health issues?


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A friend of mine recently has been having pretty bad stomach aches. She would get the acid feeling in the back of her throat and all. She said the only time she felt better is when she was either laying down or standing up. Being bent over or sitting just caused her to get sick to her stomach. Needless to say she started wearing looser fitting clothing for a few days to feel better and noted that she changed her bra back to an older style she wore previously... She felt better with in a few hours of doing the bra change. I told her to stick with that one and see how she feels. Her stomach is 100% better. I think her new bras were too tight and causing too much pressure on her stomach. 

Do you think it is possible there are other people who are wearing too tight of clothing and having medical/health issues because of it?

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That is interesting to think about. 

I guess yes it would cause discomfort. 

Reminds me of when my 12 year old wears a hoodie and sweat pants in the summer in Phoenix AZ. I tell him making it harder for your body to cool down like that can not be healthy. 

So I clothing that is restricting blood flow would cause some problems too. 

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I have read that bras with underwire can increase a woman's risk of breast cancer which is pretty scary! When I heard about this, I stopped wearing those. Also there are certain fabrics that are said to leach chemicals into the skin. I have never read into great detail on it but you just have to be aware of where the clothing is sourced and the quality of it. 

Tight pants sounds like it can lead to circulation issues, nerve issues, stomach issues and more. Couple this with bad posture, I would imagine overtime it can be damaging!

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