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Stop stopping at 'but.'

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“A tree is judged by the fruit it bears, not the fruit it talks about.” 

In this video from Motivation District, the topics of self-imposed limitations and the feeling of powerlessness are discussed. So many of us want to do, go, and experience so many different things, and the vast majority stops at the word “but.” The word “but,” allows us to procrastinate, justify inaction, and not live our dreams. When we argue for our limitations, we give them power over us. With the only guarantee being today, we need to look for ways to regain control of our lives. 

Many people live in fear, are stressed out, and feel powerless in their current positions. Few people recognize this and fewer look at ways to become an active force in their own lives. Many are stuck with the mentality of “I’m going to live my life one day.” To counteract this, we must recognize and address our fears, insecurities, and own blockages. Once we do this, we can then start acting with subsistence and live our lives on our own terms. Fear will always be present in our lives, but it is up to us to handle it. Life is challenging and finding our purpose is harder. Through self-reflection, research and involvement, we can start to unpack our purpose and passions. Through practice and consistency, we become better and better at the skills needed to achieve our goals. An easy first step to this can be summarized by this statement, “do what you can where you are  with what you have and never be satisfied.” 

Most people leave this world quietly and safely. There are no guarantees in life. Because of this, we must start our journeys now. We must also remember that we always deserve more. 

This video is a must-watch for anyone navigating through their own self-discovery and can be accessed below.


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I watched this one earlier today and had to leave a comment on here now that I am signed in. I loved this one. I feel like I have been a "but!" person most of my life and it sucks! I am a lot more willing to try and work hard these days but man did it take time to break out of that "but cycle"! 

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On 7/25/2021 at 6:20 PM, Scarlett said:

I watched this one earlier today and had to leave a comment on here now that I am signed in. I loved this one. I feel like I have been a "but!" person most of my life and it sucks! I am a lot more willing to try and work hard these days but man did it take time to break out of that "but cycle"! 

I ended up here because of anxiety. I always worry and fear things which makes me become really hindered in life. I am still working on getting out of it. It has become a habit and one I need to break before I get to a point where I am much older and regret not doing anything about it.

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On 7/26/2021 at 8:28 PM, Stacey said:

I ended up here because of anxiety. I always worry and fear things which makes me become really hindered in life. I am still working on getting out of it. It has become a habit and one I need to break before I get to a point where I am much older and regret not doing anything about it.

You can do anything you set your mind to! I know this kind of thing can be tough but you can overcome it, just keep working at it!

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