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Telling someone "no" and not feeling bad?


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I have a hard time telling people no in my family, in particular my mom and my brother. When it comes to them asking me to do a favor for them, I will more often than not push what I was doing aside just to avoid not telling them no. I know this is not healthy and I want to stop this but I am not sure how because when I have said no, I feel like a terrible person. 

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For me it all depends. There are some people I will always say yes to regardless of what they ask and there are others I always say no to. 

In relationships for me its about give and take and once I identify someone as a "taker" saying no get's really easy. 

Then I have others that have always been there for me anytime I had to call on them so of course when they ask for something I will assist in anyway I can. 

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I like helping people and will almost always say yes if someone asks for my help but I know my limits. If you do not feel well or have other plans, just say so. Do not feel bad for it because millions of people say no to other people every day. It is something most people get over. Don't think too much on it and don't beat yourself up over it. You aren't Superwoman! 

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