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Do you budget in your tax returns?

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One thing I never did was budget in my tax returns. I feel like if I budget them in,  I am expecting that money and more reliant on that money. If I pretend as if it isn't even there, when I do get it, I can use it for something I want or I can put it right into savings. What do you do with your tax returns? Do you budget them into your yearly spending, save it, or just use it for fun money?

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I make quarterly payments now days so I budget paying my taxes in advance so I do not get with a huge bill. 

When our family used to get refunds we would treat it as bonus money. It was never really in the budget but if we paid way more taxes then we should one year and were getting a decent amount back we used to go on a vacation with the kids. We never counted on the money though. I try to teach the family to never rely on government for anything but safety. 

So guess we used to just use it as fun money. Now when I get refund it means I overpaid and my financial projections were not correct for the year so that cash just goes back to the bank to get paid out again later. 

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18 hours ago, James said:

I make quarterly payments now days so I budget paying my taxes in advance so I do not get with a huge bill. 

When our family used to get refunds we would treat it as bonus money. It was never really in the budget but if we paid way more taxes then we should one year and were getting a decent amount back we used to go on a vacation with the kids. We never counted on the money though. I try to teach the family to never rely on government for anything but safety. 

So guess we used to just use it as fun money. Now when I get refund it means I overpaid and my financial projections were not correct for the year so that cash just goes back to the bank to get paid out again later. 

I'm considering this as I work freelance online, and due to that I'm self employed and have to pay more in taxes through the year. It sucks, because it's like they double tax you. I save a lot over for tax purposes. 

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Do you mean budget them in as in paying them or do you mean strictly tax returns you get at the beginning of the year? I am a bit confused because it seems like it could be either or based on what you said and the replies. 

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