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What should you do if you know someone is in an abusive relationship?


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Someone in my family is in what I would consider an abusive relationship, just based on what I have come to learn of said relationship. The man she has been seeing for around 2 years now talks down to her and says very nasty things. I guess one night last year he was very drunk and pulled a gun out on her (it was her gun, he got into her safe and held it to her head). She did call the cops about it and didn't speak to him for a good 3 weeks but she ended up getting back together with him. I told her she needs to respect herself more but she is convinced he is a great guy who just has anger issues. She brushes it off like it is no big deal. 

What should someone do when they know someone is in an abusive relationship? Can anything be done? 

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What I have learned in my short 36 years I have lived so far is in order to help someone they first must want help. 

These are troubling situations where someone can justify someone elses actions when those actions can possibly harm them. 

For now I think all you can do is be support and the person that keeps trying to plant the seed of getting out of the situation. Until the person comes around and realizes that this is not right for their life then they will be ready. 

I have had no success trying to help people that do not want help. 

How do others deal with these kinds of situations? 

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I had a friend in my teens who had a boyfriend that physically abused her. She hinted at it a few times but I was at her house one day that he actually did it. He slapped her, grabbed her, and threw her to the ground. I got in his face and told him if he ever touches her again, I would personally neuter him. He not only didn't hit her after that, I was able to convince her to leave him and file a retraining order. I think it took me standing up for her to stand up for herself. You have to handle these situations carefully though because a friend can easily be put off by something like this if they believe the abuser is in the right. 

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It is hard to say what to do without knowing the person personally. Like mentioned, they can take you standing up for them the wrong way and feel attacked. A lot of people in abusive relationships don't see the abuse. That is what is scary. Maybe getting her around healthy relationships and happy couples would help her see her relationship is not normal and she could have more, and deserves more. 

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