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Is there ever a point where cheating is justifiable?


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Some like to argue there is and I have tried to put my feet in their shoes but I just can't do it. I feel like if you are willing to cheat, you should be able to do the right thing and end the relationship first. I never understood the concept of people making excuses for cheaters. Maybe that is just me?

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No I do not think cheating can be justified. 

Then again I live by the role of treat other people how I would want to be treated. So even if someone cheated on me it would not justify me cheating on them. Two wrongs do not make a right. 

If you are unhappy do the right thing and talk to your partner about it. If it is not a issue that could be worked through then break it off and move on. It will save you so much future pain. Doing what is hard first is typically the harder path to take but will make for a more stress free life in the future. 

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I'm not sure to be honest. I think that at one point, if you're being treated horribly, but feel you can't get out and then cheat, I would kinda understand that scenario. But you'd still be in the wrong, at least in many others opinions. 

I think either way, if you're in a bad relationship, it's best to end it before it gets worse. If you can't end it because of the possibility of bad things happening, then report it to the police. Don't stick with someone if there is no love for them. Otherwise you're going to be stuck, and if you are caught cheating, won't be able to win that battle, because they won't care what you have to say. That's how I see it anyway. 

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I have a friend who was cheated on by her boyfriend. He came clean without her snooping. He said he wants to make things work for them so he said he wants her to sleep with someone as well. They ended up staying together for a few years after the fact but he cheated on her again. She ended up leaving him for the guy she had slept with and now she is engaged and 4 months pregnant with his baby. So in her case, it worked out for her!

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I'd say, if you were cheated on first, then maybe yeah. But I think if you catch someone cheating on you, just break up with that person. They don't deserve the chance to get you back if anything. But, I think it's best to move on and leave the past behind. 

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