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How do you tell someone you like them if you're just friends currently?


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There is this woman I have been talking to for the past couple years. We met each other on a dating site, and have talked ever since. A while back, she tried to get us to meet, but I freaked out and didn't respond right away. But after some thought, I responded and mentioned a place we could meet to hang out. She then went dark on me for a while and then responded like a month or two later about how she was in a bad relationship that didn't end well and she was worried about person things. 

We ended up talking again, and even skyped a couple times. But, we both kinda went dark on each other for a while and then out of the blue, she texts me, asking how I am doing and we are now back into texting each other. I've even played some games with her recently online. Thing is, she says stuff like "guy", "Dude" "Bud" and all this, so I feel like I am stuck in the friend-zone at this point. 

I want it to be more than just friends though and I don't know how to tell her without making it weird. I want to tell her I really like her, and would like to meet one of these days, but my anxiety has stopped me from doing so. But, should I just push through it and tell her I like her and see what she says? Or just stay being friends with her? idk what to do. 

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Yeah, tell her how you feel. The worst thing that can happen is she says she's not interested in you that way, and then you two can go back to being friends. For all you know, she may be into you as well, just scared to say it herself. 

Letting it fester won't help. If you have true feelings for someone, tell them. At least then you know for sure what to expect and not to expect. 

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Worse case scenario, you end up just staying friends and she puts a little distance between you both to cool off for a bit. Some gals can be just friends with guys but most guys can't be just friends with gals. You have to keep that in mind. You may end up ruining the friendship but if you do like her that much, you are only hurting yourself by not saying anything. 

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