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Is anyone here aware of microjob services? I'm only aware of Amazon's Mechanical M Turk program, which lets you work small micro jobs. In order to make any money though, you need to qualify for jobs that pay more. Because most microjobs are priced by pennies. Literally, some jobs are like $0.10 per action. So in order to make a real living, you need to be getting jobs that pay at least $1 or more per task. If you can find a way to automate it, you could also have it run on its own and make a little bit of cash. 

Sadly, it doesn't pay well, so if you have the time to devote to it, you might find some luck here. 

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Yes I can think of a few microjobs sites. Here is a list of microjob sites that I know of:


I have only purchased services on mturk and pico. Can not vouch for any of these sites but they all look legit. 

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I never heard of this an honestly, it sounds like it wouldn't be for me. I don't like to earn below the minimum wage per hour so when I do offer any services online, I price it according to that. It seems silly to work for so little. 

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I tried mturk.com, which is the one through Amazon if I'm not mistaken? Anyway, didn't like it. I felt like you were stuck doing the same small tasks over and over for nothing. But, I am curious to check out the other sites James posted above. I could always use some extra cash, so if the tasks are easy, it might be worth it. 

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I didn't even know this was a thing. Do those survey jobs fall under this category as well? I mean those are always an option but they take a long, long time to see actual revenue from them. You would be better off setting up a blog and earning through that at that point. 

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On 6/2/2021 at 4:01 PM, James said:

Surveys would be very similar in the amount of pennies you earn. On the microsites you can even find jobs filling out surveys too. There are all kinds of little tasks people are looking to have done :). 

Oh I hate doing surveys for money. I tried it years ago and never felt like it was worth the time. The fact you got nearly nothing in return for a half hour to sometimes hours. No thanks! I won't ever be using a survey site again. 

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