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Would you ever buy an old prison?


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If you had the chance to buy an old prison, would you do it? Or would you rather not touch anything like a prison? I think it'd be cool to remodel and make it into housing, or something else. I'm sure you could do a lot with an old prison. As long as it's not badly damaged, I think it could work. What do you think? Would you buy a prison? What would you do with it? 

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Have not seen to many old prisons for sale. It would be a cool property to own but likely not in a great location and the use cases for such real estate may be hard to think of unless you were going to open up a private prison. 

Alternatively if you are looking to invest in the private prison space there are some publicly traded REITs if you want to get your feet wet. 

CoreCivic - CXW 
The Geo Group - GEO

The above are both options if you would like some exposure to the private prison space. 

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I never seen one in my area. I think once they are no longer of use, they get taken down within 5 years of closing. I am not sure how you could remodel a place like this for housing either. I think it might be a cool option for homeless people but the upkeep and utilities would be through the roof.

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I didn't even know this was an option. I think it would be interesting if you could convert this into something useful. I am sure it would take one hefty investment though! We don't have many prisons around here. We have jails and smaller facilities though. 

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