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Environmental Influences and their Impact on Our Growth


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In this video from Motivation District, viewers learn about the importance of time management and their surrounding environment. The first half of this video revolves around time management and how it can limit the feelings of overwhelmedness, panic, and underproduction. The narrator starts with an example of how in her own life she would work a whole eight to ten hours and only accomplish two of the ten tasks she set out to do. Many people have heard the term time management, but few people properly implement this strategy. Through proper management of our time, we can balance building our dream life, responsibilities, family time, and relaxation. Many people feel as though there is not enough time in the day and are constantly overwhelmed. With the effective implementation of time management, however, people often feel like they have more freedom, structure, peace of mind and joy. 

The latter half of this video addresses the environmental impacts of personal development. The narrator noticed how when people attend personal development training and seminars that they are excited to change and pursue their dreams. Then, the narrator explains that once these people returned home, their old habits and ways of thinking would slowly reintegrate themselves. This is because our environments often play a larger role in our personal development than just our mindset. Here, the term environment not only refers to our surroundings but also the people we find ourselves around. It is important to constantly evaluate those individuals in our lives and whether or not they believe in and support us as we trek towards our goals. Proximity is power, meaning those closest to us tend to influence us the most. Because of this, we must make sure that their presence is a positive influence on our own growth. This video can be accessed below: 


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