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If you have a great idea for a website, is it a good idea to have a partner?


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I have a wonderful idea for a website but I don't know much about making sites, coding, servers, or anything of the sort! I would love to hire someone to get this concept off the ground for me but the more I think about it, it might be more worth it to have a partner instead of hiring someone. I am just not sure. What are your thoughts on starting a new website on a partnership? 

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Having partners can be great if you are properly aligned. If your goals are off it can be a horrible experience. 

I often build partnerships to help me spread risk with a group of people that have similar goals. 

If it is just setting up a website you are having trouble with I would think hiring someone would be the best bet since getting setup is a one time cost. From there its just maintaining the property which is pretty simple to learn how to do over time. 

Another reason to partner with someone is say you are into internet marketing and are really good at driving traffic via SEO and social media. You find an offer about a product you know nothing about or have any interest in to promote. Finding someone passionate about that topic would make a great partner for the project where they build out content and you market it. 

So partnerships can be great as long as each members role is clearly defined and expectations are set. Everyone must go in with their eyes wide open on what they are responsible for. Then the partners stay in their lanes and get the work done. Regular communication over time will be crucial to make sure the team is aligned and on the same page. 

Very situational and so many different reasons why a partner may need to be found. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

In this case, I would say yes but you have to really be mindful of who you take on your business venture. Should you find success, money can change people for the worst. Someone in my family had a friend who won the lottery and they become a very stuck up person who was selfish. Let's just say they are no longer friends. 

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