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Planning out everything is key


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When it comes to doing just about anything these days, it's best to plan everything out if you can. If it revolves around your work, then it needs to be planned out. I found that if I didn't plan things out, I would rush it all and it would end up causing me issues getting it finished. Now days, I plan everything out, because I want my time scheduled better, and I found planning things out, doing a schedule even, has helped immensely. What about you?

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If you do not plan to do it you never will get it done. It took me a long time to learn this. I used to say I just work by my gut and follow where that takes me. It was very disorganized and chaotic for the people that worked on the team. 

I have gotten a bit older and understand the importance of planning. I have everything planned out now down to the individual tasks that need to be executed to get things done. Every day I wake up and load the task list for the day and get to work. I have found I have more time to get things done this way likely because I spend less time wondering what to do and looking at things that do not matter. 

I will never do it any other way now. Planning changed my life from chaotic to organized. I get more done and am able to have better balance in life. There really are not stressful moments anymore because I already know what is going to happen. 

Has planning helped anyone else out there?  

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I like to have a plan for most things, even simple things like cleaning the house. I think that is a good reference actually. When I have a lot to clean and don't plan things out, I get overwhelmed and easily distracted but if I have a game plan to tackle the tasks, I tend to finish things up pretty quickly. 

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