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Is it stupid to want to buy DOGE at this point?


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I really don't want to invest a lot. I am only looking to invest maybe $50 right now and a friend of mine told me to just buy DOGE but everything I read online is saying not to and it is a scam. So what is the deal with this? Is this a stupid investment or one that is relatively safe? I mean it will only be $50 so even if I lost it, I wouldn't lose sleep over it. 

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Good luck guys with the DOGE. I myself am staying away. The fact that the coin was started as a joke I just can not throw any money at it. A short term trade may be fine but that is not my investment style. 

It has been a wild ride and DOGE has been around quite awhile so who knows what keeps happening with it. It sounds like $50 is no big deal if you lose so if you have some great reasons to take the bet then go for it :). 

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