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Would you prefer to run a business by yourself or with a small team?


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I know a lot of smaller businesses which are run by just one or two people (usually siblings or couples) and they do well but I feel like having a small team would greatly improve their sales and work flow enough to make even more. I think some people just would prefer to work solo or with one other person vs a team. Which do you prefer any why? 

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When it first starts for me it is almost always solo unless I am helping someone else execute their plan. 

As I figure out the work process though I will start adding team members with the hope of being able to prove my theory at a quicker pace. There are a lot of small jobs that I do not enjoy to much that need to take place. These are the team members that will be brought on first. That way the tasks will get done where if I left them on my to do they would get procrastinated. 

As much as I do work solo I really enjoy working with teams too. 

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I think it depends on the business. Some you could start the beginning stages by yourself, but eventually you'll need help. But other times, you will need another person or a group of people on your team to fledge the business out further, especially if you want to expand. 

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Maybe at a 51 to 41 rule where I am still the primary business owner but can share enough of the business with someone else or a small team. It isn't that I don't like help or like working with others, I would just worry that I would lose my voice overtime and what I say in the business would matter less and less.

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