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Are you good with your children dating and getting married?


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The idea of my kids one day dating and getting married weirds me out. I never want to see my children in that light and I hope they never get married haha! No, but seriously, having kids is a scary thing, because they eventually become adults themselves, and they aren't the little kids they once were. I know it's going to be tough when my kids start to date, because that means they're getting older. I just want them to stay young forever haha! But I have to realize the inevitable and just let it happen. All I can do is steer my children into the direction of being good people. 

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My wife feels the same way. She wishes they would just stay little forever. 

I have 4 kids and my oldest is 16. She just got her drivers license and her first job. 

A couple years ago she brought a boy around that she introduced as her boyfriend. He is a cool kid. I made sure to get to know him in the small time I had with the guy. We played some board games together and had a fun time. I tried to test his thought process while gaming to see if he could think ahead and plan for the future. He gamed well. 

It is a bit nerve racking but I feel as a father I been instilling the values I want my kids to carry for so long this is when I finally get to see if me teaching is working or if I need to tweak something for the next kid coming up to this age. 

We can't control the kids and we can not keep them sheltered forever. I think it will be a bit strange when my daughter gets married and maybe even has children of their own. At the same time I know all I can do is offer love, support, and positive thought and they will live their lives the way they choose to. 

Scary but rewarding times. 

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I don't have any kids but I think the sweet spot for most parents is from age 4 to age 10. Before the age of 4, they tend to be a lot to handle but after the age of 10, it returns and it has brought a bag will of hormones with it! 

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