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Someone needs to take action.

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In this video from Motivation District, viewers hear about a wide range of topics. The narrator discusses the need for action items, giving back, investments, and our current political framework. While these are all complex topics, the narrator does a good job at introducing these topics and providing examples of problems and potential solutions. The narrator touches on the need to remove ourselves from old dogmas in politics. Politics is philosophically driven, and there are hardly any action items completed within reasonable timeframes. The need for action items not only applies to politics but also to our own lives. If we have an issue, either as a society or in our personal lives, then we must be able to break the resolution down to tangible steps and “get up off our ass and move.” 

 The narrator also discusses the importance of giving back. Once we are successful in our lives, giving back comes easily. During his talk, the narrator claims that paying taxes is the most patriotic thing an individual can do, no matter their tax bracket. The narrator also touches on investing. While not all investments pan out, investments are crucial to grow and redevelop. The narrator also touches on patents. On paper, patents seem like a logical and smart thing to do. In instances where a small business or individual has a great idea and wants to patent that idea, this mechanism provides an opportunity to protect that intellectual property. While this is great, 99% of the time patents are held by larger corporations or affluent individuals and ultimately withhold money from commerce. Patents are a complicated dance and often inhibit growth. Finally, the narrator also touches on the importance of looking at a business and challenge its model. I think this concept can be translated into our everyday lives. If we are stuck in a rut and want to grow or move forward, we must be able to reflect on ourselves and challenge our own ways of thinking. 

With easy-to-read captions and compelling imagery, this Motivation District video can be accessed below.


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