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What's the best cryptocurrency to invest in as a noob?


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So I'm a fresh noob when it comes to anything crypto. I know a limited amount, but I know what I see and I see a possible profit out of some of these currencies. Anyway, what's the best crypto to invest in as a noob? Something that's easy to learn and master if possible. 

I was looking at bitcoin, but there's no way I can reach the amount it's worth right now. So, I might try Doge or some other smaller currencies out there. 

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Sticking with the majors is going to be your safest bet. There are so many fly by night coins that are here today and gone tomorrow. The crypto world is still in the wild west phase of the cycle where people are still trying to figure things out. 

The great thing about crypto is you don't have to buy 1 full coin. You can buy fractional coins. So if you wanted some exposure to BTC you would not have to fork over $37k USD or whatever the value is at the time to buy a coin. You could buy .001 of a coin if that is all you can afford.

Ethereum is another coin to take a look at. 

Just keep in mind that the crypto markets are still young, there are a ton of scams out there, and never invest more then you can afford to lose. 

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Bitcoin, Ehterium, XRP, Cardano, Stellar, Chainlink, Uniswap, and Monero are all considered to be safe and well established. Doge is a meme coin and relies on the success of people manipulating it which means it is more of a risk than a reward. I would look into the ones I mentioned first. 

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