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Start a blog!


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I know its 2021. 

Competition is sky high. What the internet needs more of though is content written and produced by people passionate about the topics that they choose. 

Sure although there is more competition then there used to be the person who can consistently produce quality content that resonates with an audience will win in the end. 

Most of the time people want to talk about what kind of money they can make...

I think focusing on the amount of cash you can make doing something like this is not the correct focus. 

Focus on building an audience and you will be able to monetize that audience at a later stage in development. 

So if you have a strong passion for any topic I strongly encourage you to start writing about it. Consistently post something new every single day. Do that for a year or two and see where you are. I bet you have a decent amount of traffic and an audience that appreciates the information you are sharing. 

Those are your fans that have been developed and will be critical when you start sharing products and other information someone may want to buy. 

You can even get started doing something like this with no money by setting up your blog on blogger or medium or any of those kinds of sites. If it picks up traction you can always invest in a domain later and then use your first blog to build your first link over to your new blog or even move all the content over. 

So many options. 

Have you have started a blog? Did you have any success with it? What were some of the challenges you ran into? 

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  • 2 months later...

I would love to start one. I had plans for it actually since most of last year I was just sitting at home. I fully intended on getting one going but just kept putting it off. A friend of mine's fiance is a tech guy and he said he would help get it set up for me while he is on vacation. That is in June so fingers crossed I actually do it this time! haha

I plan on running a natural living/natural life alternative blog. 

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That is great! You can get writing content now while you wait for your friend to get your technology stack all setup. That way you have a solid head start and are good to go when the project begins. We wish you luck on your blogging adventure. 

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Yeah blogs are great options. I used to run one years ago, but kind of lost interest. It can pay you well to some extent, but there are times where you just can't get a profit running. I'm hopeful that will change soon though, as I'm going to start a new blog soon. 

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43 minutes ago, Brenden said:

Yeah blogs are great options. I used to run one years ago, but kind of lost interest. It can pay you well to some extent, but there are times where you just can't get a profit running. I'm hopeful that will change soon though, as I'm going to start a new blog soon. 

Yeah it takes time. Our home and garden website is a little over 2 years old now and content is finally starting to rank a little a better. Just keep taking the consistent effort to make it to goal and as long as you are targeting the right keywords and your content aligns with the search intent you will be able to make it work. The internet is starving for quality content on so many topics that people just need to write about their passions and build content better then the people that do research and build content. Let your insider knowledge show around your chosen topic and you will end up on top eventually 🙂

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