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Starting a new social site, is it viable?

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So I have been thinking of starting my own social media site soon, as I have some fun ideas to make it different from the big ones. Do you think starting a new social media site in this climate, is a viable option? Or is it more of a risk than anything? 

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Starting any community is going to be a challenge. As long as you niche up and keep the community focused it should be possible. People are growing tired of some of the larger networks and your site never needs to be as big as the majors in order to see success. Just need a small active community that is passionate about a topic and should be able to gain some traction. 

It just takes time and hard work to go from point A to point B. If you are passionate enough about whatever topic you want to make your social media site about I would say give it a go. If things do not work out you will learn during that process and if they do work out great! Either way you are winning. 

What kind of niche were you going to put your social media site in? 

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I love the idea of there being more social platforms available but people will just stick to the big ones out of convenience. I have had a few ideas for a new social site but never got anywhere with it because it would be super expensive to get someone to build for me custom and there is a good chance it would fail on top of that. 

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