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Would you work for someone famous?


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Would you ever take the opportunity to work with someone famous? I have always wondered what it would be like to work with someone famous, maybe an influencer, or maybe a movie star. Have you ever worked with someone famous? I'd understand if you have an agreement where you can't reveal those details. 

Part of me thinks it'd be cool, but also my anxiety would be through the roof, because if I was working for a celeb, they'd probably want me to be at my 100% best, and that alone would be anxiety driven. 

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Yes if I had an opportunity to work with someone I would consider a mentor I would be all over that. Who knows the skills you would be able to pick up on. The networking you would get out of the exercise would also be priceless. All the while if you do a great job you may be able to get an endorsement on the other side. 

Yes the job would likely be very demanding but no more demanding than working for yourself where your success and failure is 100% dependent on your actions. 

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Depends on what scale. I know someone who did work for someone famous when she was younger. I can't remember the actress's name but she was in Sex in the City. It wasn't a long-term thing, but rather a temp assistant fill-in so it was only for 3 months since her assistant at the time took pregnancy leave. She said it was the most stressful job she had ever had. Still says that to this day. 

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